Paul Anderson-Walsh & The Grace Project

We were blessed to have Paul Anderson-Walsh and his wife, Hayley, from the UK, to join us at our church camp in 2010. [Read what Paul had to say about our camp here.]

The biodata stuff: Paul holds a postgraduate degree in Applied Theology. Hayley and he are founders and directors of The Grace Project, a charity dedicated to help people discover their true identity in Christ. He also runs a leadership development practice, specialising in change management and executive coaching and is retained by some of the world's leading organisations to work with their senior management teams.

Paul leads The Grace Project – The Second Mile, regular teaching sessions on Friday evenings in Central London. (Find out more here.) The term he prefers to use is "ecclesia", a regular gathering of Christians in a local community, to distinguish itself from what is common stereotypes of "church" and even "Christianity". Paul believes in planting Christ instead of churches, to promote Christ without Christianity. If that seems strange, the sad truth is that many worldwide do church and Christianity without Christ.

A clear and systematic teacher, Paul is also a skilled storyteller who is able to weave lessons out of the simplest things. He is passionate about establishing believers in their identity in Christ and then growing them to maturity in His grace. He has authored several books, including Safe and Sound (our camp's theme), The Bonsai Conspiracy and The Apprentice.

If you are looking for solid exposition of Scriptures through the lens of grace, check out Paul's ongoing video teachings on the Gospel according to John, The Jesus that John Knew, and his new series on Galatians at the International Gospel Church, UK, which he and Hailey are guiding along in the grace journey.

Enjoy the treasure trove!


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