What is a Grace-oriented Church?

This article, "Characteristics of a Grace-Oriented Church", by Dr Charlie Bing of Grace Life Ministries, Texas, USA, provides a good understanding on growing a grace-based community.

Am not familiar with Dr Bing personally, but from a brief overview, his ministry's website seems to be another vault of grace resources, with many books and articles on the gospel, salvation, evangelism and discipleship — which I hope to have a chance to explore more deeply myself.

A former President of the Free Grace Alliance, Bing studied at Dallas Theological Seminary and pastored Burleson Bible Church in Texas for 19 years before transitioning to GraceLife full time in 2005.

GraceLife Ministries began in 1997 to provide consistent and clear grace-oriented teaching, preaching and literature resources. I like how they phrase their "purpose": to share the gospel of grace with the unsaved and the grace of the gospel with the saved. Amen!


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